

The Cut & Start can sometimes not catch the plastic in part or entirely. The bale is tipped off the table before the C&S closes to hold the plastic.


1. In the Technician Set-up there is a setting for Tip Pause, this setting Pauses tipping for a set time to give the C&S time to close and catch the Plastic. The default setting for this is 1.5 seconds but this can be increased or decreased to suit the conditions.

2. Under the Table (at the tipping hinge point on the LHS of the machine) there is a sensor which can be adjusted backwards and forwards. The position of this sensor will dictate when the C&S closes in the tipping cycle. 

When the table is not tipped, the sensor will be looking at metal (LED light will be illuminated), and therefore the C&S will be open. When the table is almost fully tipped, the metal will move away from the sensor and the LED light will turn off. This then tells the C&S to close.

If this action happens too early during tipping, then not all plastic film will be inside the C&S, and therefore not all of the plastic film will be cut.

If this action happens too late, then the bale could be tipped off the table before the C&S closes.

Adjust the position of the sensor until the C&S is closing at the correct time.

See Image below of sensor.
A picture containing auto part, metal, pipe, fastener<br><br>Description automatically generated

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